A Picture-Perfect Friendship
November 2017

“A Picture-Perfect Friendship,” Friend, November 2017

CTR Story

A Picture-Perfect Friendship

The author lives in Colorado, USA.

How could Avery help Jeremy smile?

“A special gift is kindness. Such happiness it brings” (Children’s Songbook, 145).

A Picture-Perfect Friendship

Illustrations by Andy Elkerton

Avery pressed her yellow crayon onto the paper. It was art time in class, and Avery was drawing a picture of herself with little flowers on her shirt. She drew six petals on each flower because six was her favorite number.

Avery put down her crayon and smiled at her drawing. It was perfect! Then she noticed that Jeremy, the boy who sat next to her, was frowning. He was hunched over in his seat. Avery smiled at him, but he didn’t look at her.

“What did you draw?” she asked. “Can I see?”

Jeremy didn’t say anything. He covered up his paper with his red-and-white striped sleeve.

Later Avery and her class went to lunch. Avery sat down with a group of friends. She saw Jeremy sitting alone at another table. His eyes were big, looking around at everyone. He looked sad. Avery thought about how Jeremy usually played alone at recess. What could she do to help him feel better?

That night Avery prayed and told Heavenly Father about Jeremy. She asked Heavenly Father to help her know what to do. She stayed still even after she said “amen,” just thinking.

Then she had an idea! Avery grabbed some crayons and paper. She drew a picture of herself and Jeremy playing with a basketball. They had big smiles on their faces! Avery carefully colored four red stripes on Jeremy’s shirt. Then she wrote Jeremy’s name at the top of the picture.

When she was done, she ran to the kitchen. “Look, Mom!” She held up the picture so Mom could see.

“That’s a happy picture,” Mom said.

Avery smiled. “It’s for Jeremy. He’s in my class. I hope he likes it.”

Avery looked at her drawing again. “Can I have a piece of candy?” she asked. “I want to tape it to the picture.”

Mom smiled and pulled out a box from the cupboard. It was filled with little candies of all colors. Avery picked a red-and-white peppermint and taped it to the corner of the picture.

When Avery got to school the next day, she gave the picture to Jeremy.

“This is for you,” she said. “I hope we can be friends.”

Jeremy took the picture and looked at it. Then he grinned.

“Thank you,” he said. “I’ve never gotten a present from a friend before.”

Avery’s heart felt happy. “Do you want to play with me at recess?” she asked.

Jeremy held up the picture. His smile was as big as the one in the drawing. “We can play basketball!”

CTR Challenge

“I will seek good friends and treat others kindly” (My Gospel Standards).

  • Make a picture or treat to share with someone else.

  • Sit by someone at school or church who seems lonely.

  • Do something kind every day this week for someone in your family.

  • I challenge myself to …
