For Older Kids
November 2017

“For Older Kids,” Friend, November 2017

For Older Kids

For Older Kids

Illustrations by Thomas S. Child

Dear Journal

What are you grateful for? Set a timer for five minutes, and see how many things you can write down!

Think about It

“Challenges will come to you, but as you trust in God, they will strengthen your faith.”

—Elder Neil L. Andersen


Where do snowmen keep their money?

See answer below.

Family Hunt

Make a family recipe! Do you know which family member it came from? Upload pictures of the recipe to the memories page of that family member on FamilySearch.org.

One day my mom came home with a few December Friend magazines. I decided to give one to my friend at ballet. She looked excited when she received it. I felt the Spirit when I gave it to her. I hope she feels the Spirit also when she reads it. No one is too young to be a missionary.

Anna W., age 10, Washington, USA

My Haiku

The Book of Mormon

is another testament

of Christ and of God

Claire E., age 11, California, USA

Quick Quiz

How many people did Jesus feed with five loaves of bread and two fish? See answer below.

  • 50

  • 100

  • 1,000

  • 5,000

  • Answers: in a snowbank; 5,000
