Sandbox Sounds
November 2017

“Sandbox Sounds,” Friend, November 2017

Sandbox Sounds

Sandbox Sounds

Illustrations by Matt Smith

Three friends play in the sandbox. Brynn drops pebbles into a bucket and hears “plink, plunk!” Brynn shakes the bucket. “Rattle, rattle!” say the pebbles. Ezra scoops sand with his shovel. “Shoosh, shoosh,” goes the sand. Mia taps the side of the sandbox with two sticks. “Tap, tap!” beat the sticks. The three friends play a song. “Rattle, rattle!” say the pebbles. “Shoosh, shoosh,” goes the sand. “Tap, tap!” beat the sticks. “What should we call our song?” asks Brynn. “How about ‘Sandbox Sounds’?” says Ezra. “Perfect!” says Mia. “Rattle, rattle, shoosh, shoosh, tap, tap!” sings the sandbox.

Finding Sounds

Heavenly Father gave us ears to hear all kinds of sounds. What sounds do you think these things could make? What things can you find at your house that would make fun sounds?
