Show and Tell—Conference Edition
November 2017

“Show and Tell—Conference Edition,” Friend, November 2017

Show and Tell—Conference Edition

Show and Tell: Conference!

“I feel the love of Jesus Christ as I watch general conference,” said Josalin G., age 9, Sonora, Mexico. She watched conference with her sister, Jennifer, age 7, and their brother, Jesus, age 11, who said that listening to the speakers fills his heart with joy.

Jordan and Alyssa H., ages 6 and 10, Pennsylvania, USA, had a picnic at the church building between sessions of conference!

Tavis S., age 12, Idaho, USA, drew his favorite thing about conference—the stories about the service done after hurricanes.

The Nalla family, Maharashtra, India, rides a motor scooter to church to watch general conference.

Joseph M., age 7, Georgia, USA, helped pull an extension cord under the pews to set up the projector so ward members could watch general conference at their church building.

I liked when Elder Oaks said we should show love for all people.

Elijah D., age 5, Utah, USA

I love to hear about temples and the promises we can make with Heavenly Father. I’m going to the Preston England Temple to be sealed with my family soon!

Rhia K., age 5, West Yorkshire, England

I learned about miracles and that I can look for miracles in my life. Being a child of God is a miracle.

London B., age 7, Alberta, Canada

I love general conference because I always have my questions answered. My whole body is 100% filled with truth, and I can strongly feel that what they say is real. It makes me so happy.

Yared P., age 11, Maharashtra, India

I was very happy to learn that the Lord can help us solve our problems through our prayers.

Daryl Z., age 6, Copiapó Province, Chile
