Show and Tell
January 2018

“Show and Tell,” Friend, January 2018

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Primary children in the Midland Branch Primary, Ontario, Canada, like to help clean up the Primary room and classrooms. They enjoy bringing their friends to church and making them feel welcome.

We made a paper kindness garden and put a flower or bug sticker on it every time we served or were kind to others. At Christmas, we sent it as a gift to our grandparents who live very far away. Adding stickers reminded us how much we love them!

Deltree and Calan A., ages 10 and 8, Victoria, Australia

I fasted for my brother-in-law so he could get a good job. A week later, he got a job!

Caden J., age 8, Ohio, USA

At school, I help a friend understand the assignments. Serving my friend helps me feel the love of my Heavenly Father.

Allison M., age 9, Santa Ana, El Salvador

When I was younger, I decided that I wanted to stop sucking my thumb. I prayed to Heavenly Father to help me. After my prayer, I waited a while and decided to try it just one time, but now it was disgusting! I know Heavenly Father heard my prayer and helped me!

Stephen C., age 9, Montana, USA

I like to play soccer with younger kids and teach them new skills. It is one way I like to serve!

Sasha K., age 11, Moscow, Russia

I decided not to color or draw when the sacrament is being passed. My little sisters have followed my example, and I have felt closer to Jesus.

Heidi H., age 6, Tennessee, USA
