Family Night Fun
February 2018

“Family Night Fun,” Friend, February 2018

Family Night Fun

Here’s an idea for family home evening. What other ideas can you come up with?

Family Night Fun

Plan of Salvation Sing-Along

Read “A Happy Plan for Emily” on page 4. Sing these songs with your family and talk about what you learned about Heavenly Father’s plan. You can use pages 24–25 to talk about each step in the plan. Go to music.lds.org for recordings.

Celestial Slushies

The sun is a symbol for the celestial kingdom. Make these sunshine-yellow drinks to remind you that you can live with our Heavenly Parents again someday! Be sure to get an adult’s help.

  • 1 cup chopped pineapple, frozen

  • 1 cup chopped mango, frozen

  • 1/2 cup ice cubes

  • 1 cup orange juice or lemon-lime soda

Put the fruit and ice in a blender. Then pour in the juice or soda. Blend until the ice is crushed. Pour into glasses and enjoy.

Tip: You can also put this in the freezer for a few hours, and then scoop it into more lemon-lime soda to make floats.

More FHE Ideas

Make catapults (page 38) then have a competition!

Do this month’s Family History Quest together (page 18).
