Stop and Flip
May 2018

“Stop and Flip,” Friend, May 2018

Stop and Flip

cartoon of boy carrying stack of books in backpack

Shine Your Light!

I help some people. I thank other people. I love my family. I share my stuff. I loved my neighbors.

DM M., age 9, Hawaii, USA

I can help my mom with Scouts.

Tuesday N., age 7, Ontario, Canada

I shared my toys!

Ignacio M., age 5, Illinois, USA

The Last Laugh

We’re only camping for two days. Are you sure you needed to bring seven books?

I know, that’s probably not enough. But it’s all I could carry!

Hidden CTR Rings

Did you find the rings? Look on pages FJ1, 20, and 9!

How to Write to the Friend

To send us a letter, drawing, poem, or star …

  1. Fill out the form below and send it in with your story or artwork and send a school picture or other high-resolution photo.

  2. We might edit your submission for length or clarity, and we can’t return it to you.
