A Christmas Play
December 2018

“A Christmas Play,” Friend, December 2018

A Christmas Play

Put on this Christmas play with your Primary, family, or friends! You can combine or break up parts. Some of the readers should dress as Wise Men from the Nativity.

a play with illustration of the nativity

Illustration by Miki Sakamoto

Wise Man 1: Wise Men brought the Christ child gifts of frankincense and gold.

Gifts they brought to honor Him as King of Kings foretold.

Wise Man 2: Giving gifts at Christmastime is still so nice to do.

Gifts of love and time are best, for those are gifts of you!

Wise Man 3: Listen to some stories now from people spreading cheer.

Christmas gifts of kindness are a joy for all to hear.

Reader 1: Little brother’s piggy bank, the one he made himself,

Tumbled down and broke to bits when bumped right off the shelf.

After hugs and kisses, I knew just what I could do.

Late that night I fixed that bank, with love and lots of glue!

Reader 2: Christmas makes me happy, but I see a few sad faces.

People need some cheering up in many different places.

I write notes of kindness every time I think I should.

Seeing happy smiles lets me know I’ve done some good.

Reader 3: Brother Lopez, down the street, lives by himself—alone!

He’s an older man at church who doesn’t want a phone.

I found out he likes toy trains. Guess what? I have a bunch!

Dad and I now visit him with trains and tracks and lunch.

Reader 4 (holding and pointing to a notebook): This year I’ve been keeping track of cookies, treats, and candy,

With my secret notebook and a pen or pencil handy.

When somebody mentioned their most favorite yummy treats,

I would write that down real fast, then later make those sweets!

Reader 5 (holding a ball or sports equipment): Playing sports and running fast are totally my thing!

Then one night my parents asked if I would help them sing.

Caroling for neighbors sounded scary and no fun.

All that night we spread such cheer I frowned when we were done!

Reader 6: There’s a new boy at our school. He’s awesome, but he’s shy.

Several boys were mean to him. I’m really not sure why.

When I prayed he’d find a friend, I thought: That could be me.

So I sat by Ben at lunch. The rest is history!

Reader 7: I would check my chore list off as fast as I was able

So I got to spend more time with puzzles on our table.

Then I noticed Mom, whose chore list never seems quite through.

Now I do some extra chores and she does puzzles too!

Wise Man (or all Wise Men together): Look around this Christmastime, and you will surely see

Someone who can use a little extra charity.

Charity means showing love as Jesus Christ would show.

Every act of kindness is a gift wrapped with a bow!

The Whole Cast: Merry Christmas!

Find a printer-friendly version of the play at friend.lds.org during December.
