Show and Tell
December 2018

“Show and Tell,” Friend, December 2018

Show and Tell

collection of quotes and drawings from kids

Primary children in Texas, USA, collected books to donate to a local youth shelter.

My brother and I went outside on Christmas, and after building a fort, we noticed our neighbor’s driveway had not been shoveled. We knew he was sick, so we shoveled his driveway. After we were done, I walked away feeling warm inside and was happy to serve our Savior on His birthday.

Daxton G., age 9, Utah, USA

I followed Jesus by going to the hospital and singing Christmas carols. It made people feel happy. It made me feel happy too!

Amelia K., age 4, Maine, USA

I like having family home evening every Monday.

Izaiah T., age 7, Victoria, Australia

On Christmas Eve last year, my family went to church early. I asked my dad if I could play the piano before sacrament meeting started. I played every Christmas song I could. When I was done, everyone thanked me for the music I played. I felt good inside my heart throughout the whole meeting. I was happy to do service on Christmas Eve and make so many people happy.

Audrey W., age 10, New Mexico, USA

I am grateful for the beautiful gifts, the sea, and the wilderness that Jesus has created for us. I’m glad I can live on such a beautiful earth.

Timothy A., age 5, Olomouc, Czech Republic

I love to share. I want to serve a mission someday and share the Book of Mormon, which brings greater happiness.

Verlann N., age 8, Tarlac, Philippines

We gave candy canes on a university campus during the stressful finals week at Christmas.

Ethan and Nellie S., ages 7 and 5, Utah, USA

This past Christmas, I shared the light of Jesus by sharing with others what I have. This brings so much joy into my heart, as this is something Jesus would have done.

Chelsi D., age 7, Oregon, USA
