Show and Tell
January 2019

“Show and Tell,” Friend, January 2019

Show and Tell

collection of quotes and drawings by kids

Senior Primary children in Greater Manchester, England, wrote their own verse about President Russell M. Nelson for the song “Follow the Prophet.”

Russell is a prophet,

Baptised at sixteen.

His parents were less active;

He was very keen.

He became a doctor,

Doctor of the heart.

Building many temples,

He has made a start.

When I was 2 1/2 years old, my family moved. For my birthday, my family and I went back to Guatemala for my baptism. I was so happy to be with so many of my family on that special day.

Aneli T., age 8, Ontario, Canada

The Lizard

A lizard is a timid thing.

It can’t fly or sing.

It hunts for bugs on the floor.

And looks like a dinosaur.

Kamrie G., age 12, Kansas, USA

If I see a bad word on a website, I close the page immediately.

Brycen J., age 8, Minnesota, USA

My uncle Keith has been really sick. I decided that I should fast for him on fast Sunday. On that Sunday he had the strength to go to church. On the next fast Sunday, I fasted for him again. I know that fasting can help the person that you fast for.

Isaac E., age 11, Colorado, USA

I asked a girl at recess if I could play with her. She told me to go away. The same thing happened the next week. I went to her house to give her some hair bows and pudding. The next day she said I could play with her. I followed Jesus’s example by being nice to someone who was mean to me, and I gained a friend!

Liam T., age 8, Idaho, USA

I did a family home evening!

Michael L., age 11, Texas, USA

There was a new boy in my class in school who couldn’t speak English. In the computer lab, I sat next to him and helped him with the assignment we were given. I felt good after I helped him.

Bella G., age 11, Arizona, USA

I am the oldest kid in Primary, and everyone looks up to me, so I act reverent.

Nicholas F., age 11, Idaho, USA

I am getting older, so I have been getting mean a lot more. I prayed and asked Heavenly Father if He could help me. I felt a good feeling inside.

Megan T., age 10, Georgia, USA
