Something Special to Share
January 2019

“Something Special to Share,” Friend, January 2019

Something Special to Share

a boy searching house for something special

Illustrations by Sheyda Abvabi

“Tomorrow is very special,” Diego’s teacher said. “We’re going to have Show and Tell!”

Diego smiled. He loved Show and Tell! He couldn’t wait to show his friends something special.

After school, Diego told Mama the great news.

“What should I take?” he asked.

“Something special to you,” Mama said.

“I can bring Lobo!”

“I don’t think you can take a dog to school,” Mama said. “Look for another special treasure to share.”

So Diego’s hunt began! He found a stuffed monkey. Should he take him? Diego kept looking.

He looked behind the kitchen chairs. He looked on the bookshelf. He wouldn’t stop until he found something just right.

Then he looked by his bed. He found the perfect thing!

Diego ran to show Mama.

“Look, Mama!” he said. “I found the best thing.”

He held up a picture for Mama to see. It was a picture of Jesus. Diego felt good when he looked at the picture. He wanted his friends at school to feel good too.

“That is a special thing for Show and Tell,” Mama said. “What will you tell your class about Jesus?”

“That Jesus loves everyone!” Diego said.
