For Parents of Little Ones
March 2019

“For Parents of Little Ones,” Friend, March 2019

For Parents of Little Ones

collection of quotes from parents

Praying can be hard for rambunctious toddlers. But a habit of praying will bless them for the rest of their lives! Here are some ideas from parents about helping young children with daily prayer.

“Each night, we have one person say family prayer, then every child takes a turn saying their own personal prayer (all together as a family). If we break to go to bed before personal prayers, we’re just not as likely to talk with them about their prayers, or make sure prayers were said at all.” —Niki E.

“I like to ask them one thing they are thankful for and one thing they want to ask for before they pray. That way, they have a sort of script in mind when they start.” —Danielle S.

“We used a toy apple with five slices to explain the parts of prayer. You could also use your five fingers:

  1. Dear Heavenly Father

  2. We thank Thee for …

  3. We ask Thee for …

  4. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

  5. Listen.”

—Jennifer R.

“I taught my kids about prayer by allowing them to see my husband and I pray often. They are in the habit of praying because we are in the habit of praying. Pray anywhere, anytime, and let your children be a part of that.” —Megan C.
