A Comforting Song
April 2019

“A Comforting Song,” Friend, April 2019

A Comforting Song

The author lives in Utah, USA.

panel story of girl being sad at school, then singing in her room

Illustrations by Cam Kendell

Hi, Mia. Want to play four square with us?

I don’t really feel like playing right now.


That night …

Sound label: Sniffle (coming from top bunk)

I don’t know why I feel so sad. Maybe a Primary song will help me feel better.

Heavenly Father, are you really there? And do you hear and answer every child’s prayer?

What’s wrong, Mia?

I was sad, but now I feel the Holy Ghost.

What does the Holy Ghost do?

He comforts us. That’s why He’s called the Comforter.

Mom, Dad, guess what? I felt the Holy Ghost! I was sad, and He comforted me.

I’m so glad! Come tell us about it.

The next day …

Hi, Mia. Are you feeling better?

Yes! Can I play with you today?

Yeah! Let’s go.


Thanks to Mia P. for sharing her story!
