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Stop and Flip
June 2019

“Stop and Flip,” Friend, June 2019

Stop and Flip

cartoon of two girls leaving school building

Illustration by Val Chadwick Bagley

Look What You Made for the Kindness Garden!

I bought some LED lights at a yard sale with my silver dollar. But I never used them. So I gave them to my sister.

Ginger P., age 9, Tennessee, USA

I share my toys with Georgey.

Drake S., age 8, Illinois, USA

I like to share my snacks from Primary with my little brother.

Dallin M., age 4, Alabama, USA

The Last Laugh

I tell you, nothing in this world smells as good as the first day of summer vacation.

Hidden CTR Rings

Did you find the rings? Look on pages FJ3, 2, and 23!

How to Write to the Friend

To send us a letter, drawing, poem, or star …

  1. Fill out the form below and send it in with your story or artwork, and include a school picture or other high-resolution photo.

  2. We might edit your submission, and we can’t return it to you.