“Stop and Flip,” Friend, June 2019
Stop and Flip
Illustration by Val Chadwick Bagley
Look What You Made for the Kindness Garden!
I bought some LED lights at a yard sale with my silver dollar. But I never used them. So I gave them to my sister.
Ginger P., age 9, Tennessee, USA
I share my toys with Georgey.
Drake S., age 8, Illinois, USA
I like to share my snacks from Primary with my little brother.
Dallin M., age 4, Alabama, USA
The Last Laugh
I tell you, nothing in this world smells as good as the first day of summer vacation.
Hidden CTR Rings
How to Write to the Friend
To send us a letter, drawing, poem, or star …
Fill out the form below and send it in with your story or artwork, and include a school picture or other high-resolution photo.
We might edit your submission, and we can’t return it to you.