Show and Tell
December 2019

“Show and Tell,” Friend, December 2019

Show and Tell

quotes and drawings from kids

Primary children in the Imbabura Province, Ecuador, sang Christmas carols at a nursing home and gave out cookies.

When my brother was young, he went to the hospital. He got to choose a gift to keep when he left. So for the past seven years, my family has hosted a hot-cocoa party to celebrate the Christmas season and collect brand-new toys for the hospital. After we collect the toys, we bring them to the hospital for the kids.

Alexis D., age 11, Oregon, USA

We invited our neighbors and the missionaries to help with our family nativity. We dressed up as shepherds and angels, and our neighbors got to be Mary and Joseph because they have a baby. The sister missionaries were the Wise Men, and the couple missionaries read the story from Luke 2 while we acted it out.

Rose, Jack, Elijah, and Ellen S., ages 9, 11, 8, and 13, Texas, USA

Every year, I go to my neighbors’ house to set up their Christmas tree. Their only child died right after Christmas, so Christmastime is sad for them. When I go to their house, I feel like I am cheering up their day, and it makes me feel good.

Josh J., age 11, Colorado, USA

I participated in a Helping Hands project and helped paint a wall at a school. I like to go to church on Sundays.

Jarede R., age 6, Paranagá, Brazil

I pray with my sister and try to be a good example for her. We like going on walks to see Heavenly Father’s creations.

Vianca and Avril C., ages 8 and 4, Bogotá, Colombia

We spent three hours of our snow day making a huge snowman with our family!

Connor, Andrew, and Ryan O., ages 7, 9, and 11, Massachusetts, USA

I know that my Heavenly Father loves me.

Stefania R., age 10, Lima, Peru

At my ward Christmas party, we wrote letters to the kids in the hospital. It made me feel good.

Jacob W., age 10, Utah, USA

Me and my dad got baptized on the same day!

Hudson H., age 8, Alberta, Canada
