Alma Believed Abinadi
May 2020

“Alma Believed Abinadi,” Friend, May 2020

Scripture Stories

Alma Believed Abinadi

Illustrations for the "Alma Believed Abinadi" scripture story in the May 2020 Friend. Abinadi testifying before King Noah and his priests.

Illustrations by Apryl Stott

In the Book of Mormon, we learn about a prophet named Abinadi. God sent him to teach the wicked people of King Noah.

Illustrations for the "Alma Believed Abinadi" scripture story in the May 2020 Friend. Abinadi testifies of the truthfulness of the gospel before King Noah and his priests. A young Alma listens intently to what Abinadi has to say.

Abinadi told the king and his followers to repent and keep God’s commandments. They didn’t listen. They were angry with the prophet! They didn’t want to change.

Illustrations for the "Alma Believed Abinadi" scripture story in the May 2020 Friend. Alma writes the words of Abinadi down on gold plates.

But one person believed the prophet. His name was Alma. He decided to repent and leave the wicked king.

Illustrations for the "Alma Believed Abinadi" scripture story in the May 2020 Friend. Alma (The Elder) teaches the people the words of Abinadi. There are men women and children gathered around, sitting on the ground, and listening to him preach. There is also a boy and a girl sitting in a tree.

Alma wrote down what Abinadi had taught. He started teaching other people about the gospel.

Illustrations for the "Alma Believed Abinadi" scripture story in the May 2020 Friend. 5 panels in one image. 1: A young boy lies on the ground and watches General Conference. 2: A mother and her two children (daughter and son) read the Conference edition of the Ensign together. 3: A boy looks up at his mother as they attend General Conference together in the Conference Center. 4: A boy holds up a picture of President Nelson and looks at it. 5: A father sits on a couch with his children and watches General Conference. President Nelson is on the TV screen. A young girl looks up at her father and smiles. She is pointing at President Nelson on TV.

I will listen to the prophet. Even if other people make bad choices, I can always choose to follow God.

Coloring Page

Alma Followed the Prophet

coloring page of Enos praying
