Hello from Argentina!
July 2020

“Hello from Argentina!” Friend, July 2020, 10–11

Hello from Argentina!

Product Shot from July 2020 Friend

Illustrations by Katie McDee

Hi! We’re Margo and Paolo.

Join us as we visit Argentina!

Argentina is a country in South America. It’s more than 2,000 miles (3,219 km) long. In the north, it’s very hot during summertime. In the south, there are frozen glaciers all year round!

Empanadas are a popular food in Argentina. They’re a pastry filled with beef, corn, or fruit. Learn how to make your own on page 35!

Cowboys are called gauchos in Argentina. They raise cattle and horses.

Many people buy food at outdoor markets. These boys are helping their father carry a sandía, or watermelon.

This girl visited the Córdoba Argentina Temple on the day it was dedicated. Soon Argentina will have three temples!

Many interesting animals live in Argentina—jaguars, condors, and penguins!

Ushuaia is one of the closest cities in the world to the South Pole! There are three wards in that city.

Meet some of our friends from Argentina!

When President Russell M. Nelson presented the new program of goals for children and youth, I set goals to run, be a good friend, and make my prayers better. I gave my testimony in sacrament meeting that I know that if I do this program, Heavenly Father will help me.

Gonzalo L., age 7, Buenos Aires, Argentina

When we read scriptures, we learn about Jesus Christ and how He loves us. That helps me to be happy. I know that He loves me.

Emma L., age 5, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Are you from Argentina? Write to us! We would love to hear from you.

Thanks for exploring Argentina with us. See you next time!
