My Family Night Fun
December 2020

“My Family Night Fun,” Friend, December 2020

My Family Night Fun

These ideas go along with Come, Follow Me—for Individuals and Families each week.

Friend Magazine, 2020/12 Dec

Illustrations by Katy Dockrill

A Gift for Jesus

For Moroni 1–6

  • Sing “Help Me, Dear Father” (Children’s Songbook, 99).

  • Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ gave us many gifts. Jesus gave His life so we can repent. He gave us the sacrament so we can remember Him. He gave us the Holy Ghost to help us. (See Moroni 4–5.)

  • On a piece of paper draw or write down a gift you can give to Jesus. You can turn to page 2 for some ideas! Hang your paper up where you can see it this week.

Christmas Coins

For Moroni 7–9

  • Sing “Love One Another” (Children’s Songbook, 136).

  • Moroni wrote that “charity is the pure love of Christ” (Moroni 7:47). We have charity when we show love to others, like Jesus did.

  • Read “I Can Give a Little Too” on page FJ8. Then do a service project of your own! Decorate a box or jar to collect some coins. Use the money to help someone in need.

Book of Mormon Chain

For Moroni 10

  • Sing “Search, Ponder, and Pray” (Children’s Songbook, 109).

  • In the last chapter of the Book of Mormon, Moroni teaches how we can gain a testimony that it’s true (see Moroni 10:3–5). On page 23, you can read how our friend Damon learned this for himself.

  • Make a Book of Mormon chain! Cut strips out of colored paper. On each one, write something you learned this year from the Book of Mormon. Then tape the strips together in a chain and hang it up!

Light the World

For Christmas

  • Sing “Away in a Manger” (Children’s Songbook, 42–43).

  • Read about Christmas in the Book of Mormon! Turn to page 26 to read “Samuel and the Star.” You can also read about it in the scriptures in Helaman 13 through 3 Nephi 1.

  • You can help light the world, just like the star did when Jesus was born! Use page 19 to do an activity and sing a song to remember Jesus each day this week.

Treat Time

Cranberry-Orange Smoothie

Place 1/2 cup frozen cranberries, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1 small banana, 1 1/4 cups orange juice, and 1/2 cup milk in blender and blend until smooth. Serves two.

Popcorn Snowballs

Melt 4 tablespoons butter and 6 cups marshmallows in microwave, stirring every 25 seconds. Mix with 12 cups popped popcorn and stir until coated completely. After popcorn cools enough to touch, form into 10 balls and place on a greased cookie sheet. Refrigerate until set.
