Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones
January 2021

“Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones,” Friend, January 2021

Come, Follow Me

Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones

You can use these ideas to help teach from Come, Follow Me—for Individuals and Families each week.

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/01 Jan

For Doctrine and Covenants 1: Help your little ones say, “Joseph Smith was a prophet.” Then go to children.ChurchofJesusChrist.org and click on “Music” to find a song to sing about Joseph Smith.

For Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26: Help your little ones say, “Heavenly Father hears my prayers.” Then use this poem to teach your children how to pray: “I close my eyes. I bow my head. I fold my arms while the prayer is said.”

For Doctrine and Covenants 2, Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65: Help your little ones say, “I love my family.” Hold up a family photo and help your child point to each person and say their name.

For Doctrine and Covenants 3–5: Help your little ones say, “I can follow God.” Play a game of follow-the-leader and give your child instructions, one at a time. Clap together when your child gets it right.

For Doctrine and Covenants 6–9: Help your little ones say, “I can do good.” Then help them make a card or treat to bring to a neighbor, or find another fun way to serve.

Illustrations by John Joven
