Dear Friends
February 2021

“Dear Friends,” Friend, February 2021

Dear Friends,

boy from Venezuela holding Spanish copy of Friend

This issue is all about the blessings of being baptized! It’s one of the best things you will ever do. You promise to follow Jesus Christ. You become a member of His Church. And when you are confirmed, you have the Holy Ghost to guide you on your path back to Heavenly Father. How many pages about baptism and the Holy Ghost can you find in this issue?

We love you,The Friend

P.S. We made a mistake in the December issue. Starting in 2021, the Friend will go to children in about 150 countries and in 48 languages!

Where I Read the Friend

Daniel C., age 12, Zulia, Venezuela, reads the Friend in Spanish. He likes to give the magazine to his friends!

I Love to See the Temple

We missed going to the temple when it was closed because of COVID-19. So I built one for us at home!

Eliam P., age 10, North Brabant, Netherlands

Learning to Pray

I loved making the forest scene and learning about Enos (March 2020). I learned I can pray anytime.

Bethany S., age 6, Tasmania, Australia
