I Know a Song about That!
April 2021

“I Know a Song about That!” Friend, April 2021

I Know a Song about That!

The author lives in Leinster, Ireland.

girl in class raising hand

Like a lot of kids in Ireland, Annie went to a Catholic school. She was the only member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in her class.

Annie had a nice teacher who taught about lots of things. She even taught about Jesus. Annie loved listening to stories about Jesus. They were the same stories she learned about in Primary and at home.

One day Annie’s teacher told her class about when Jesus walked on water. Annie smiled. That was her favourite story!

Annie had learned the song “The Miracle” in Primary. That song told about Jesus walking on the water. Annie always felt warm inside when she sang it. She thought about the words in the song.

“Jesus walked upon the water. He stilled the storm and calmed the angry sea.”

Annie wanted her class to know the song too! She raised her hand and said, “I know a song about that!”

Her teacher smiled. She asked Annie to share it the next day in class.

Annie was excited when she got home. Mummy helped her find the song on the computer so Annie’s teacher could play the song for her class.

The next day Annie and her whole class listened to the song. Annie felt the warm feeling she always felt in Primary. She was glad she shared this special song about Jesus.

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/04 Apr

Illustrations by Sinéad Poznanski
