The Big Bowling Question
April 2021

“The Big Bowling Question,” Friend, April 2021

Friend to Friend

The Big Bowling Question

From an interview with Sydney Squires.

boy bowling

When I was in sixth grade, my family moved. One of my new friends was not a member of the Church.

One Sunday, my friend called me. He wanted me to come bowling with him and his parents that afternoon. I had only been bowling once before, and I had really liked it. Bowling again would be really fun, especially with my new friend. I immediately went to ask my mom.

“Well,” she said, “it’s Sunday, so don’t think you should go. But you can make your own decision.”

I was shocked! I thought that she would say no. Instead the choice was all mine. So I chose to go bowling with my friend.

Pretty soon my friend, his parents, and I were at the bowling alley. I did really well! My friend and I had fun. But the whole time, there was a sinking feeling in my stomach. I knew in my heart that my mom was right. I had learned at church and at home that making Sunday a holy day was important. Going bowling with my friend wasn’t the best Sunday activity.

That day, I learned an important lesson. It is good to have fun and be with friends! But choosing to make Sunday special is more important.
