Meet Karles from Puerto Rico
June 2021

“Meet Karles from Puerto Rico,” Friend, June 2021

Helping Hands around the World

Meet Karles from Puerto Rico

Meet Primary children helping others, like Jesus did.

boy in Puerto Rico

All about Karles

drawings of Karles and his family

Age: 6

From: Puerto Rico

Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, English

Family: Mom and Dad

Goals and dreams: 1) Serve a mission.2) Be a firefighter, doctor, or police officer.

Karles’s Helping Hands

Karles with his family

Karles loves to help people. His mother says he has a special gift for serving others.

In January 2020 a powerful earthquake hit Puerto Rico. This was a scary time for everyone. Karles and his family had to sleep in their car for many weeks. But Karles kept smiling and jumped into action. He helped give out hygiene kits to others who had lost their homes and to those who were sick and elderly.

Karles also helped out with an international day of service in the Caribbean. He helped people in his branch collect leaves and clean yards. Karles likes to help his parents by washing clothes, working in the garden, and making dough for his favorite food, pizza!

Karles’s Favorites

pictures of Karles’s favorites

Place: The water park

Story about Jesus: When Jesus healed the lepers

Primary song: “He Sent His Son” (Children’s Songbook, 34–35)

Food: White rice, stewed beans, chicken, and pizza

Color: Red

Subjects in school: PE and math

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/06 Jun

Illustrations by Dana Sanmar
