Heavenly Father’s Plan of Happiness
July 2021

“Heavenly Father’s Plan of Happiness,” Friend, July 2021

From the First Presidency

Heavenly Father’s Plan of Happiness

Adapted from Facebook post, May 20, 2019.

children getting baptized and confirmed, along a path to Jesus

Heavenly Father loves you. You are His child. He gave you Jesus Christ as your Savior. The Savior watches over you with love.

In the spirit world, before you were born, Heavenly Father gave you the choice to accept or reject His plan of happiness. He did this because He loves you. We chose to follow His plan. The happiness He wants for you is eternal life. It is the greatest of all His gifts.

Coloring Page

a coloring page of a girl walking through a forest scene

What a beautiful world Heavenly Father gave us to live in!

The cover of For the Friend, July 2021

Illustrations by Corey Egbert
