Show and Tell
July 2021

“Show and Tell,” Friend, July 2021

Show and Tell

A young boy named Jack stands for a photo in front of a bookshelf

I asked my mom if I could ride my scooter. She said I could only ride it around the block. I went a little further and got lost. I felt scared and said a prayer. Afterward, I recognized some places and knew I was near my house. I am grateful Heavenly Father helped me.

Jack S., age 9, Masovia, Poland

A portrait of a young girl about 8 smiling. Wearing a gray and black shirt.

I made the choice to be baptized and am glad I did! Making right choices is important.

Alicia P., age 9, Masovia, Poland

A young boy stands for a portrait. He is wearing a brown hoodie

I know I was choosing the right and following Jesus Christ’s example by being baptized. I felt happy and warm afterwards. I love my Savior.

Zion M., age 9, Waikato, New Zealand

A young girl and a young boy hold cardboard with holes punched in it. The girl's has Jesus Loves You punched into it.

My dad ministers to a man who is blind. I wanted to do something for him. My dad helped me safely poke a special message into cardboard so the man could trace it with his fingers. It read, “Jesus loves you.” I went with my dad to give it to him. The man was surprised and happy when he felt the letters.

Amber F., age 6, Utah, USA

Two young brothers out in their back yard playing with Bows and Arrows.

We felt like Nephi when we made our bows.

Neil and Aaron H., ages 8 and 10, Alaska, USA

A young boy sits with a stack of Legos. It appears to be a temple he has created.

My school did remote learning for a while because of COVID-19. I made a model of a Nephite temple in between my classes.

Samuel J., age 9, Ohio, USA

Two young sisters both holding different pictures of the Savior while standing in front of a picture of the Savior

We love our Savior and always remember Him.

Vianca and Avril V., ages 10 and 6, Cundinamarca, Colombia

A young boy sits with a stack of Legos. It appears to be a temple he has created.

Meredith B., age 7, North Carolina, USA

A child's colored drawing of a young girl with long braided hair sitting on a rock looking at a temple.- Trees are around, and the sun is out. She's written "I love to see the Temple I'm going there someday."

“I Love to See the Temple,” Clara B., age 11, Minnesota, USA

A child's coloring of Christ coming again with angels sounding with Trumpets.

“The Second Coming,” Santiago C., age 11, Santiago, Chile

An Oxen pulling a cart across land. Many stars and a moon in the sky.

Emerson G., age 8, Washington, USA
