Tomoshi’s Favorite Job
July 2021

“Tomoshi’s Favorite Job,” Friend, July 2021

Tomoshi’s Favorite Job

This story took place in Japan.

mom biking with toddler

“It’s time to go water the flowers,” Mom says.

“Yay!” says Tomoshi. He puts down his toys. It’s time for his favorite job. Twice a week he helps Mom water the flowers at the Church building.

Tomoshi finds his bike helmet. Mom helps him tie his shoes. Now he’s ready to go!

Tomoshi loves riding the bike with Mom. He even has his own special seat. He can see lots of fun things as they pass by.

“Look!” Tomoshi says. He points at a beautiful black butterfly.

“It’s looking for flowers,” Mom says. “It’s one of God’s beautiful creations.”

“Look!” Tomoshi says. He points at some bright flowers growing by the road.

Mom stops the bike. She picks up a flower petal that has fallen. “Here you go,” says Mom.

Tomoshi touches the soft petal. He holds it gently in his hand.

Now Mom is biking again. When will they get to the flowers they will water?

“We’re almost there,” Mom says.

Tomoshi waves at a smiling old man as they ride by. He waves at a girl holding her grandma’s hand.

And he waves at the Church building as they pull up in front. They made it!

Mom unbuckles Tomoshi’s helmet. She hands Tomoshi his yellow hat. He puts it on to help block the sun.

Then Tomoshi helps hold the bright green watering can. Mom fills it up with water.

boy helping mom water flowers at church building

Now it’s time to water the flowers! Tomoshi waters yellow flowers and blue flowers and pink flowers. He makes sure every plant gets a drink.

“All done!” Tomoshi says.

“Thank you,” Mom says. “You are helping serve Heavenly Father. You help His church look beautiful.”

Tomoshi smiles big. He’s glad he can help.

The cover of For the Friend, July 2021

Illustration by Fumi Kosaka
