The Power of a Priesthood Blessing
August 2021

“The Power of a Priesthood Blessing,” Friend, August 2021

From the First Presidency

The Power of a Priesthood Blessing

Adapted from “Neither Trust in the Arm of Flesh” (Brigham Young University commencement speech, Apr. 23, 2009), speeches.byu.edu.

a man giving a sick man a blessing

Many years ago, I went to a meeting with other doctors in a little town in Mexico. One night, one of the doctors suddenly became very ill.

Many doctors were there. But we didn’t have the equipment we needed to help the man who was sick. The nearest hospital was more than 100 miles (160 km) away. It was night, and no planes could fly. We thought he might die. What could we do?

The sick doctor whispered and asked for a priesthood blessing. I put my hands on his head. I felt the Holy Ghost tell me that the sick doctor would get better. He would live and return safely to his home. I gave him this blessing in the name of the Lord.

The next morning, the doctor was much better. A few days later, he was able to go home. We thanked the Lord for this most remarkable blessing.

The lesson we learned was simple: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). We experienced this ourselves. We knew it was true.

It is also true that God is in charge. Not all blessings are answered the way we prefer. We need only to increase our faith in Him.

The Priesthood Blesses Me

cut-out cards of children getting baptized and taking the sacrament

Heavenly Father’s priesthood power blesses our lives in many ways. The cards below show some of the blessings we can all have because of the priesthood. Cut them out and put them face down. Then take turns choosing one and telling how it has helped you or will help you someday!

  • I can be baptized.

  • I can have the gift of the Holy Ghost.

  • Draw Again!

  • I can take the sacrament.

  • I can have a blessing to comfort me or help me get well.

  • Next Player

  • I can get a temple recommend.

  • I can get a patriarchal blessing.

  • Draw Again!

  • I can do temple baptisms.

  • I can make sacred covenants in the temple.

  • Next Player

  • I can be called on a mission and serve in Church callings.
