Who Can We Help?
August 2021

“Who Can We Help?” Friend, August 2021

Who Can We Help?

The author lives in Utah, USA.

This story took place in Auckland, New Zealand.

Tadiana’s family shared their garden. Now what else could they share?

“Press forward with … a love of God and of all men” (2 Nephi 31:20).

girl holding bananas near a banana tree

“Ready to cut down the bananas?” Dad asked. Tadiana watched with her siblings, Alicia and Kavi. Dad used a knife to cut down the whole bunch of bananas.

The garden was growing well this year! But lots of other things were hard. There was a quarantine in New Zealand because of the coronavirus. Tadiana wasn’t able to see her friends or go to school. But she was happy she got to spend so much time with her family.

Kavi’s eyes got wide as he stared at all the fruit. “There’s no way we can eat that all by ourselves!” he said.

 Mum nodded. “I bet Sister Banks would like some. She hasn’t been able to work in her garden since her husband died.”

“I know Sister Finau is lonely too,” Tadiana said. “I can take her some bananas!”

“Who else?” Dad said. They all sat down on the grass. They made a list of people who might need a little help.

The next day they filled sacks full of silverbeet (chard), kumara (sweet potatoes), and bananas. Mum and Dad drove around the neighbourhood. At each house on their list they dropped off a sack.

Tadiana peeked out the car window and watched Sister Banks open the door. Sister Banks used her cane to slowly walk toward the bag. Her smile was so big that Tadiana could see it even while they drove away.

Tadiana felt a warm, happy feeling. But she also felt a little sad. She got to spend quarantine with her family. But Sister Banks lived all alone. She probably hadn’t talked to anyone in weeks!

“I think there’s something else we can do for our neighbours,” Tadiana said. “Why don’t we invite them to a video call for our family scripture night?”

“That’s a great idea,” Dad said.

When they got home, Tadiana called Sister Banks. “Hi, Sister Banks! Our family is doing a scripture night tonight. Do you want to call into it?”

“I would love to!” Sister Banks said. After that call, Tadiana handed the phone to Alicia. They took turns calling people in the ward and inviting them.

That night Tadiana nervously waited at the computer. Would people show up? Then, one by one their neighbours’ faces popped up on the computer screen. Some of them had a hard time using the technology, so Mum helped them.

neighbors on a video screen

One lady held up a plate of hokey pokey (honeycomb toffee). “I know none of you can eat this,” she said. “But I was so excited for tonight that I cooked a special dessert! Maybe you can pretend to smell it through the screen!”

Everybody laughed and talked about how they were spending their days. Lots of people were struggling, but it made everyone happier to talk to each other.

When they were done talking, Tadiana shared a scripture, 2 Nephi 31:20: “Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.”

They had a short lesson and took turns reading from the scriptures. Then Kavi said the prayer.

“Remember to come back next week!” Tadiana said. One by one people waved goodbye and left the call.

When the last person left, Mum and Dad gathered the family into a big group hug. Tadiana was glad she and her family could help their neighbours. They would all press forward together.
