A Special Lunch
September 2021

“A Special Lunch,” Friend, September 2021

Written by You

A Special Lunch

boy holding lunch tray

Because of COVID-19, I started third grade by learning online. After about a month of learning online, I was able to go back to school. I was happy to be around other kids again! But it was hard to make friends. I spent several recesses alone.

One day my teacher announced that there would be two new students in our class. I was so excited! The day the two new boys arrived, I helped them get their supplies ready. I remembered my first weeks of school and how hard it was to make friends. I wanted to try to make their day feel special. I knew that’s what Jesus would do. Then a thought popped into my head: I had two coupons for lunch with a friend and the teacher. I could ask the two boys to come with me.

When it was lunchtime, I invited them to lunch. They said that they would love to go! We grabbed our lunches and walked down the hallway to our classroom. It felt good to include them and make them feel welcome.

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/09 Sep
