Margaret Cummings
October 2021

“Margaret Cummings,” Friend, October 2021

Pioneers in Every Land

Margaret Cummings

Faithful Saint from Australia

The author lives in Utah, USA.

Had they come this far for nothing?

family standing by train

Margaret tucked her children into bed. Her son, Jeffrey, opened one eye. “Mummy, when can we go to the temple?”

Margaret kissed his forehead. “As soon as it’s finished.” She turned out the light.

Margaret was looking forward to the temple dedication too. She was excited to be sealed to her family. But the temple was far away in New Zealand. It would cost a lot of money to travel from their home in Australia. They had saved for months. They even sold their car. But they still needed 200 more pounds.

She knelt to pray. “Heavenly Father, please help us get the rest of the money we need.”

Just then her husband, Don, walked in. “I saw my father today. He apologized for not visiting us, and he gave us this.”

He handed her a piece of paper. It was a check for 100 pounds! Margaret could hardly believe it. Don’s father hadn’t talked to them in months. It was a miracle!

A few days later, Margaret’s parents visited. “We’ve been saving some money,” her father said. He pressed 100 pounds into Margaret’s hand. “Have a good trip!”

Margaret smiled. They had enough money now!

There was one more problem. The trip would take six weeks. Don’s boss said he couldn’t be gone that long. After a lot of prayer, Margaret and Don decided Don would quit his job.

Finally it was time to go. Margaret and Don helped their children onto the train. They rode it for five whole days.

“Are we there yet?” Jeffrey asked Margaret.

“Not yet,” she said. “Now we’ll take the boat to New Zealand.”

But there was more bad news. The boat had crashed. It wasn’t taking passengers. Had they come this far for nothing?

No! Margaret’s prayers were answered again. Someone gave them plane tickets. Soon Margaret and her family were flying over the ocean. Next stop, New Zealand!

When Margaret finally stepped inside the temple, her heart was warm. She even got to shake the prophet’s hand. “Heavenly Father will bless your family because you chose to come here,” he said.

Later, Margaret and her family dressed in white. They knelt around an altar to be sealed. Margaret beamed. Now they could be together forever!

When they got home, Margaret and Don had only 5 pounds left. But Margaret remembered the prophet’s promise. Heavenly Father would bless them.

And He did! The next week, Don came home with happy news. “I got a job! It’s even better than the one I had before.”

Margaret hugged him tight. She knew going to the temple would always be worth it.

Australia is the only country that is also a continent.

The Hamilton New Zealand Temple was dedicated in 1958.

Today there are five temples in Australia.

Margaret was baptized after she got married.

Margaret and her husband served as the matron and president of two different temples in Australia.

Margaret lived in Perth, Australia, more than 5,300 km (3,300 miles) from Hamilton, New Zealand.

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/10 Oct

Illustrations by Margarida Esteves
