Peace and Primary Songs
October 2021

“Peace and Primary Songs,” Friend, October 2021

Peace and Primary Songs

Max pictured the family he would have someday.

“I can often feel the Savior near when love is spoken here” (Children’s Songbook, 191).

children in Primary singing

Max rocked back and forth in his chair. His favorite part of Primary was about to start.

“Welcome to singing time,” Sister Rose said. The piano started to play. Max sang along.

Max loved singing time. But his family wasn’t really like the happy families he sang about in Primary. Things were hard at home.

That’s why Max liked Primary so much. He always felt loved and safe when he was there. He felt peace in Primary.

“For our next song, I have a special challenge for you,” said Sister Rose. “As we sing, I want you to think about what it will be like when you are grown up and have a family of your own.”

The piano music started again. The notes were soft and peaceful. Max looked around the room. He could see pictures of Jesus and the temple hanging on the wall.

The other children began to sing. Max started singing too. Mine is a home where every hour is blessed by the strength of priesthood power.

Max closed his eyes and imagined being a dad. He thought of praying with his future family. He imagined singing songs with them, playing games together, and having home evening.

As he sang the last words, Max had a big smile on his face. I can often feel the Savior near when love is spoken here.

Someday Max could have a family like that. Someday he could have a home where he felt peaceful like he did in Primary. Thinking about it made Max feel warm all over.

He raised his hand. “Sister Rose,” Max said, “I think that song is kind of like a recipe. A recipe for a happy family.”

“You’re right,” Sister Rose said. “No family is perfect. But when we try to be like Jesus, we can help our families. We can help make our homes peaceful places.”

Max looked at the picture of the temple on the wall. He knew he could help his family now by being like Jesus. And even though it was far away, he was excited to have his own family. And it made him happy to know that he could be with them forever.

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/10 Oct

Illustration by Matt Smith
