Seeing Musa
October 2021

“Seeing Musa,” Friend, October 2021

Seeing Musa

The author lives in Iowa, USA.

Maybe the new boy wasn’t really mean after all.

“Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

girl watching brother and sister walking to school

“Mom, something happened at school today that’s really bothering me.” Angie dropped her backpack on the floor and flopped down on the couch.

Mom looked up from the book she was reading. “Oh? What happened?”

“Well, there’s a new boy named Musa in my class.”

“That’s great!” Mom said. “Did you talk to him?”

“No, and I don’t want to!” Angie said. “He’s mean.”

“What did he do?”

Angie scowled. “I saw him walking to school with his sister. He made her walk behind him the whole way! Every time she tried to walk next to him, he’d hurry and get in front of her. It made me so mad.”

Mom frowned. “That doesn’t sound very nice. Maybe he could use a friend like you to show him how to treat others with love.”

Just then, Angie’s younger sister, Meghan, rushed in. “Mom, guess what? There’s a new girl in my class! Her name is Dalia Kader. Isn’t that a beautiful name?”

“I think her brother is in my class,” Angie said.

“Really? You’re so lucky.”

Angie frowned. “Lucky? Why?”

“Dalia told me all about him!”

“I bet she did,” Angie muttered.

“She said she had to put some eye drops in this morning, and she was supposed to wear sunglasses to protect her eyes, but she forgot. So when they walked to school, Musa walked in front of her the whole way to shade her from the sun. Wasn’t that so nice?”

Angie blinked in surprised. Had she misjudged Musa?

“He sounds like a very thoughtful brother,” Mom said.

“He is!” Meghan said. “And when they got to school, he walked with her to the office so they could call home. And he stayed with her until her mom brought the sunglasses.”

brother and sister sitting next to each other

Wow, Angie thought. I guess I didn’t see what was really happening.

Meghan sat down next to Angie on the couch. “Dalia’s sunglasses are really cool! They’re purple with jewels on them. Mom, can I invite her over this week? We could both wear our sunglasses and play dress-up!”

“Good idea,” Mom said. “Why don’t you invite Musa too? I’d like to meet both of them. What do you think, Angie?”

“I’d like to meet them too.” Angie smiled. “I think Musa would be a great friend.”

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/10 Oct

Illustrations by Jörg Saupe
