Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones
November 2021

“Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones,” Friend, November 2021

Come, Follow Me

Scripture Time Fun for Little Ones

These ideas go along with Come, Follow Me—for Individuals and Families each week.

girl with heart

For Doctrine and Covenants 125–128: Take turns saying nice things about each other. Help your little ones say, “I love my family.”

parent and child drawing temple picture together

For Doctrine and Covenants 129–132: Draw a picture of a temple together. Have each person help draw one part. Help your little ones say, “Temples bless our family.”

boy cheering

For Doctrine and Covenants 133–134: Ask your little ones to cheer and clap. Talk about how Jesus’s Second Coming will be a joyful event. Help your little ones say, “Jesus will come again!”

boy reading Church magazine

For Doctrine and Covenants 135–136: Look at pictures from Church magazines or websites that show scenes from Joseph Smith’s life. Help your little ones say, “Joseph Smith was a prophet.”

Illustrations by Alessia Girasole
