Andrew Jenson
November 2021

“Andrew Jenson,” Friend, November 2021

Pioneers in Every Land

Andrew Jenson

Historian from Denmark

To Andrew, everyone’s story was important.

man riding a camel

Andrew pulled out a pen and opened his journal. Today, I am coming home from my mission, he wrote.

He smiled and looked out the train window. He had spent the last two years in Denmark, the country where he was born. It was also where his family was baptized. They moved to Utah, USA, when he was a teenager. And soon he would be with them!

Andrew turned the page and kept writing. He liked to write. He also liked learning about Church history. He had read all he could about Joseph Smith. He even memorized all the important dates in Joseph Smith’s life.

Soon Andrew was home with his family. Every day he helped them work on the farm. He plowed. He planted. But he wanted to do more. He wanted to read and write and travel.

So Andrew prayed. He thought a lot about what he should do. Then he had an idea! He started to translate some of Joseph Smith’s history into Danish.

And that was just the start. Andrew kept writing, reading, and translating. He started working for the Church as a historian. He went to different places in the United States. He gathered stories and important papers.

One day, Church leaders asked Andrew to do something even more exciting. They asked him to go to different countries. He would write stories about the Church members he met. Andrew could not wait!

Andrew said goodbye to his family. Then, with his passport in hand, Andrew was off! He traveled by ship. He traveled by train. Sometimes he traveled by carriage or even by horse or camel.

Wherever he went, Andrew talked to Church members about their lives. He talked to them about their faith. He wrote their stories down so other people could read them. To Andrew, everyone’s story was important.

When Andrew came home from his trip, he put the stories into a book. He taught others about writing things down and keeping them in a safe place.

Andrew was happy doing the work he loved. But sometimes he wondered if he was really making a difference. He decided to pray about it.

“Heavenly Father, why haven’t I been asked to do more important things?” A clear answer came to Andrew’s mind. God has inspired you to do the work you have done.

Andrew smiled. He knew he was doing what God wanted him to do. And he would not stop!

Andrew saved the stories of more than 15,000 people. We can follow his example by writing down our own family stories. Everyone’s story is important—including yours!

A historian writes and saves stories for people to learn about someday.

Today, there is one temple in Denmark.

Almost 17,000 Danish Saints moved to Utah in the mid-1800s, like Andrew did.

Andrew wrote 27 books and more than 2,000 newspaper articles.

He traveled nearly one million miles (1.6 million km)!

Andrew served nine more missions—in Denmark, in other parts of Europe, and in the United States.

November 2021 Friend magazine.

Illustrations by Christopher Thornock
