The Rainbow Hello
January 2022

“The Rainbow Hello,” Friend, January 2022

The Rainbow Hello

girl looking up at a rainbow

Darcy jumped over a puddle. She giggled. Rainy days were fun. She and Mom raced leaf boats in the water. Darcy cheered as her leaf floated by.

She tiptoed between the puddles with colored chalk in each hand. She colored the sidewalk and even a big rock. The colors looked so pretty against the gray sky. Darcy didn’t mind the cold.

Darcy looked up at the cloudy sky.

“Mommy, can Heavenly Father see me right now?” Darcy asked.

“Yes. Heavenly Father can see you right now,” said Mom.

Darcy thought for a moment. Then she held up her hand and waved.

“Hi!” she said, waving at the sky. Maybe Heavenly Father could see her waving to Him!

At last Darcy and Mom went inside to warm up.

Darcy grabbed some paper and painted a bright rainbow. She showed it to Daddy when he got home. She told him all about her rainy-day fun.

After dinner, the sun was setting. “Let’s go see the sunset,” Daddy said.

They walked outside. It smelled like the earth had a shower. The clouds were puffy and pink. And in the sky was the brightest, most beautiful rainbow!

“Do you remember who makes rainbows?” Mom asked.

“Heavenly Father makes them!” said Darcy.

Darcy wrapped her arms around herself like a hug. “I think He is saying ‘hi’ back to me!”
