Go Sit by Him
April 2022

“Go Sit by Him,” Friend, April 2022

Written by You

Go Sit by Him

girl going to sit by boy on his own

One day at school, I heard that a boy was being bullied. I felt sad. No one should be treated that way.

Later that day, our grade had a party. The boy who had been bullied earlier came to the party and sat by himself. When I saw him, I remembered what had happened. I heard a voice tell me to sit by him. But I didn’t want to be the only one sitting by him. He’ll be fine, I thought. He doesn’t need someone to sit next to him. I pushed the feeling away.

The voice came to me again, stronger. Go sit by him.

I looked at the boy. He looked lonely and sad. OK, I thought. When I sat down by him, he looked uncomfortable. I told him my name and asked him about himself. At first, I was nervous. But as we talked, I felt peaceful. And he didn’t look lonely or sad anymore.

When he had to go back to class, I said I’d talk to him later. He smiled a little and said OK. My teacher came to me and said, “Thank you, Sierra. That was very kind.” I just nodded my head.

The rest of the day went by quickly, but that peaceful feeling didn’t go away. I knew I did the right thing. Sometimes people aren’t treated right when they’re different. I don’t like it, but it happens.

We are all God’s children. We should treat others kindly. If we do this, I know that God will bless us.

Illustration by Kristin Sorra
