The Video Question
June 2022

“The Video Question,” Friend, June 2022

The Video Question

Josué needed answers, but who could he ask?

two boys in internet cafe looking at computer

Josué walked into the internet café. Computers lined the walls, and the sounds of zaps and pings from video games filled the room. He didn’t have a computer at home, so this is where he came to use one. He couldn’t wait to watch some cool videos!

His friend Carlos came in behind him. Josué handed the owner some money. Then he and Carlos found a computer to use.

First Josué looked up a funny video a friend at school had told him about. Then Carlos picked a video to watch. They kept taking turns.

“Look, this one is about the Church,” Josué said. He clicked on the video and started watching.

The man in the video said confusing things about the Church. He said the Church wasn’t true. The video made Josué’s insides feel like they were being squeezed.

“Do you think what that man said is true?” Josué asked when the video was over.

Carlos shook his head. “Do you think what he said is true?”

Josué frowned. He had prayed to know that the Church was true and had felt good about it. He always felt peaceful when he went to church or read his scriptures. But he didn’t know what to think about what he’d heard in the video.

boy laying in bed and looking worried

That night, Josué tossed around in his bed. He couldn’t sleep! So many questions swam in his head. But who could he ask? Papá wasn’t a member of the Church, and Mamá was too busy working. There was no one to talk to.

The next day at school, Carlos had a big smile on his face. “I asked my dad about what the man in the video was talking about. He answered all my questions.”

Josué straightened up. “Really? Do you think I could talk to your dad about it too?”

“Yeah! Come over to my house after school, and we can talk to my dad.”

The rest of the school day passed slowly. Josué bounced in his seat. He had a hard time focusing. All the questions bubbling in his head could have answers!

After school, Brother Zavala, Carlos’s dad, sat down with Josué and Carlos. They talked for a long time about the video. Brother Zavala had an answer to all of Josué’s questions!

two boys talking to a dad

“I was worried you wouldn’t know the answers to my questions,” Josué said.

“Even if I didn’t, Heavenly Father always has answers,” Brother Zavala said.

“But whenever I pray to know something, I just get a feeling. I don’t really get an answer,” Josué said.

“Sometimes a feeling is our answer,” Brother Zavala said. “We can always keep searching the scriptures and praying for understanding. Answers might not come right away, but that’s OK. Heavenly Father knows all the things we don’t know. And the Holy Ghost can help us feel peace.”

For the rest of the day Josué thought about what Brother Zavala had said. That night, he knelt down to pray. “Heavenly Father,” he said, “is what Brother Zavala said true? I don’t want to feel confused.”

Josué felt calm and happy. He was grateful he could keep asking questions. And he was glad Heavenly Father gave him the answer he needed.
