Ready to Ride
August 2022

“Ready to Ride,” Friend, August 2022

Ready to Ride

Quade wanted to join his friends. There was just one problem.

dad helping boy ride bike

Quade waved to his friends as he walked home from school. “See you later!”

“We’re riding our bikes to the park next week. Are you going too?” James asked.

Quade’s face suddenly felt hot.

“Maybe,” he said. “I don’t know yet.”

Quade hurried home. He pulled his green bike out of the garage and dusted off the seat. The tires were flat. But that didn’t matter. He didn’t even know how to ride it!

“Is everything OK?” Dad asked as he came outside.

“My friends want to ride bikes next week,” Quade said. “But I don’t know how. I’m afraid they’ll make fun of me.”

“You have a whole week to learn,” Dad said. “Do you want to start right now?”

Quade nodded.

Dad helped Quade fill his bike tires with air. Then Quade got on the bike. He gripped the handlebars so hard that his knuckles turned white.

“OK, I’ll hold you steady. You start pedaling,” said Dad.

Quade pedaled forward. But when the bike started moving, he got worried.

“This is too scary!” he said. He hopped off the bike. He took a few deep breaths. Then he got back on and tried again. But the bike felt so wobbly!

“I don’t think I can do this,” he said. “Can we ask Heavenly Father for help?”

Dad nodded. Quade folded his arms and closed his eyes.

“Dear Heavenly Father, please help me learn to ride a bike. Please help me to not be so scared. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.” When Quade finished his prayer, he felt calm. He hugged Dad.

“Ready to try again?” Dad asked.


Dad helped Quade get back on his bike. Quade put his feet on the pedals. He held the handles and looked forward. Then he started to pedal.

For the first few tries, Quade couldn’t keep the bike up. But he kept trying. Finally he made it all the way to the end of the block without falling. He smiled and pumped his fist. He could ride without Dad’s help!

“I did it!” Quade said. “This is fun.”

“Awesome!” said Dad.

Quade practiced riding each day. The next week, his friends came to his house. They were all on their bikes.

“Hey, Quade,” James said. “Want to ride to the park with us?”

Quade put on his helmet. “Yeah! Thanks for inviting me!”

Quade hopped on his bike. With help from Dad and Heavenly Father, he was ready to ride!
