Classroom Kindness
November 2022

“Classroom Kindness,” Friend, November 2022, 24–25

Classroom Kindness

Here are some ways you can bring more kindness into your classroom.

school backpack

Write a nice note for someone who looks sad or lonely.

Follow Jesus Christ’s example. What would He do?

Meet three new people today. Write their names here!

  • Name:

    What I learned about them:

  • Name:

    How I can get to know them better:

  • Name:

    How I can help them:

Tips for Making Friends

  1. Reach out to others who are different from you.

  2. Learn three new facts about someone in your class.

  3. Smile and say hello.

  4. Say something kind! Cool backpack? A shirt that you like? Say it!

  5. Ask someone to sit by you or play with you.

Something kind I can do:

Bring an extra pencil for someone who forgot theirs.

Be kind to yourself when you make a mistake.

Illustrations by Mitch Miller
