Thankful Tag
November 2022

“Thankful Tag,” Friend, November 2022, 40


Thankful Tag

Page from the November 2022 The Friend Magazine.

The scriptures teach us to be thankful (see Psalm 100:4). You can have fun and be thankful when you play this game!

  1. Find an open space where you can run around. Pick one spot to be the “Thankful Area.”

  2. Everyone can tag each other! When you are tagged, put a hand on the spot you were tagged on. You can still tag people with your other hand.

  3. When you are tagged a second time, put your other hand over the second spot you were tagged on.

  4. When you’re tagged a third time, go to the Thankful Area and say three things you’re thankful for. Once you’ve said three things, you can join the game again.

Illustration by Stefani McClary
