Representing Jesus
January 2023

“Representing Jesus,” Friend, January 2023, 40–41

Representing Jesus

David was nervous to pass the sacrament for the first time.

Panel 1 of 3 1. Boy’s hand holding sacrament tray. 2. Two boys sitting next to each other on church bench. One boy is smiling and talking to the other. 3. A young man is passing the sacrament to an elderly couple. He is being reverent. The elderly man is taking the sacrament with his right hand. The elderly woman has her head bowed, arms folded and eyes closed.

David sat on the front row of the chapel and bounced his leg. He was nervous. He had just left Primary and become a deacon. The older boys were going to show David and the other 11-year-old boys how to pass the sacrament.

David’s autism sometimes made it hard for him to learn new things. Moving out of Primary had been hard for him. And now passing the sacrament seemed so scary. What if he made a mistake and everyone laughed at him?

Jacob, one of the older boys, sat next to David. “We’re happy to have you with us,” Jacob said. He gave David a high five. “You’ll do great.”

David smiled. That made him feel a bit better.

The other young men showed the 11-year-olds what to do. They showed them where to go and which rows to pass to. They practiced walking down the aisles in the chapel. They showed the boys how to hold the sacrament trays.

“Mom, look!” David said when he got home. He held his arm up. “This is how I hold the tray. Carefully, like this. Because I’m representing Jesus, and I want to show my respect.”

The young men practiced with David and the other boys after church on Sundays and during weeknight activities. They walked through where they should go. David practiced holding the tray.

Soon, the day came when he would pass the sacrament for the first time.

“How are you feeling about it?” Dad asked.

“I’m still nervous,” David said.

“Let’s talk through what you’ve done to prepare,” said Dad.

“Well, we’ve read scriptures about the priesthood as a family,” David said. “Holding the priesthood means I represent Jesus. I trimmed my nails so my hands will look nice. And I’ve practiced a lot!”

“I think you sound well prepared,” Dad said.

When he got to church, David sat on the front row with the other deacons. Jacob sat next to him. David thought about how he was going to represent Jesus when he passed the sacrament. What if he still messed up? He glanced at Jacob, and Jacob smiled at him. David smiled back and took a deep breath.

When it was time to pass the sacrament, Jacob helped David pass the tray down the first few rows. David was glad to have someone with him.

Panel 3 of 3 1. Boy’s hand holding sacrament tray. 2. Two boys sitting next to each other on church bench. One boy is smiling and talking to the other. 3. A young man is passing the sacrament to an elderly couple. He is being reverent. The elderly man is taking the sacrament with his right hand. The elderly woman has her head bowed, arms folded and eyes closed.

David looked at the people as he passed the sacrament. Many of them were sitting with their heads reverently bowed. Some looked thoughtful. David felt peaceful. He was representing Jesus. He was grateful he could help others think about Jesus Christ.
