Helping with Heavenly Father’s Work
January 2023

“Helping with Heavenly Father’s Work,” Friend, January 2023, 18

Friend to Friend

Helping with Heavenly Father’s Work

From an interview with Richard M. Romney.

Did you know you are invited to help Heavenly Father with His important work? That work is to help all His children to come back and live with Him (see Moses 1:39). You can help as you do four things: live, care, invite, and unite.

Live the gospel of Jesus Christ. You live the gospel when you follow Jesus’s example. You can pray, read the scriptures or scripture storybooks, forgive others, and go to church.

Care for those in need. You can sit by someone who is lonely. Or you can call a friend who is sick and cheer them up.

Invite others to receive the gospel. You can invite friends to church or a Primary activity. You can invite friends to your baptism.

Unite families for eternity. You can talk to your grandparents to learn about their lives. You can be a peacemaker in your home. You can prepare yourself to go to the temple.

I promise that you will feel joy as you try to live, care, invite, and unite at home, at school, and in Primary. Heavenly Father loves you! And you can help with His important work.

Illustrations by Augusto Zambonato
