Марго, Паоло хоёр
2023 оны 1-р сар

Марго, Паоло хоёр

Panel 1 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Сайн уу, намайг Марго гэдэг!

Намайг Паоло гэдэг.

Panel 2 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Бид гэр бүлээрээ дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрээр аялсан.

Харин одоо бид эх орондоо буюу Бразилд буцаж ирээд байна.

Бид очсон газар болгондоо гайхалтай найзуудтай болсон.

Японд амьдардаг Хина, Италийн Марко гээд маш олон найз бий.

Panel 3 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Хүүхдүүд ээ, АНУ дахь найзуудаас нь захидал ирсэн.

Panel 4 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Тэд бол Матт, Мэнди хоёр!

Panel 5 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Бид тэдэнд Христийн мэндэлсний баярын ил захидал явуулсан! Тэд биднээс Бразилын тухай ярьж өгөхийг хүссэн.

Тиймээс бид түүхээ хуваалцахдаа баяртай байна.

Манай гэр бүлийн бусад гишүүнтэй танилцаарай!

Panel 6 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Энэ бол манай эмээ. Би түүнтэй цуг хоол хийх дуртай.

Бас тэдний хийсэн хоолыг идэх дуртай.

Panel 7 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Энэ бол манай аав, ээж. Бид хамтдаа явган аялал хийх, шинэ газар судлах дуртай!

Panel 8 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Энэ бол манай дүү Лукас.

Бид түүнийг өнгөрсөн жил өргөж авсан. Удахгүй тэр бидэнтэй ариун сүмд лацдан холбогдоно!

Panel 9 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Энэ бол манай тоть Киви. Тэр жимс, ногоонд дуртай!

Кивид киви өгөх үү?

Panel 10 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Манай гэрийнхэн хааяа жаахан сонин болдог.

Гэхдээ энэ нь маш хөгжилтэй байдаг. Тийм ээ, Киви?

Үнэхээр хөгжилтэй! Гуаг!

Panel 11 of 12 Two page spread for the Margo and Paolo comic.  1. Margo and Paolo riding a bike. 2. Margo and Paolo standing in front of a map. 3. An elderly woman with an envelope. 4. Margo and Paolo smiling at each other.  5. Paolo reading a letter. 6. Margo and Paolo. 7. Margo and Paolo with their grandmother. 8. Margo and Paolo with their friends. 9. Margo and Paolo playing with friends. 10. Margo with a parrot. 11. Margo and Paolo doing art. 12. Margo and Paolo explaining something.

Бид Бразил дахь шинэ адал явдлаа эхлүүлэхийг тэсэн ядан хүлээж байна.

Бид хаана ч байсан хамтдаа Есүсийг дагаж чадна!

Зургийг Кэти Макди