Forever and Always
April 2023

“Forever and Always,” Friend, Apr. 2023, 12–13.

Forever and Always

“Will I see Rosie again?” James asked.

This story took place in the USA.

Mother, father, and son looking at a photo album while sitting in front of the temple

James sat alone on his bed. The house felt very quiet. He missed his baby sister, Rosie. She had died not long ago. She was only two weeks old.

James found Mom in her room. He looked at Rosie’s empty crib. It made him sad.

“Mom,” he said softly, “I really miss Rosie.”

Mom smiled, but she looked sad too. She gave James a big hug. “So do I.”

“Will I see her again?” James asked.

“Yes,” Mom said. “Someday we will all see Rosie again.”

James tried to picture Rosie in his mind. He thought about her fuzzy hair and tiny hands. He loved Rosie. He was glad he would see her again someday. But right now, he was sad that she was gone.

Picture of small baby

A few days later, it was time for home evening. Sometimes Mom or Dad taught a lesson. Other times they made a treat together. But this week Dad said, “Let’s go for a drive.”

Mom grabbed a big book, and they got in the car. Soon James saw a garden with pink, red, and yellow tulips. He saw a tall, white building with a golden statue on top. There was a special feeling at this place.

“Do you know where we are?” Dad asked.

“The temple!” James said.

“You’re right,” said Mom. “This is where Dad and I were married.”

They got out of the car and sat down on a bench. Mom opened the book. James saw a picture of the temple. Mom and Dad were in the picture too. Mom was wearing a long, white dress.

“You look like a queen,” James said to Mom. “And the temple looks like a castle.”

Mom smiled. “The temple is much more special than a castle. Because of the temple, we can be with our family forever.”

Mom turned the page. James pointed to a picture of a baby boy. “Is that me?” he asked.

“Yes,” Mom said. “You were such a sweet baby. I’m so glad we can be with you forever.”

Mom turned the page again. There was a picture of Rosie.

“Rosie too?” James asked.

“Rosie too,” said Dad. “When it is time for us to go to heaven, we can be with Rosie again.”

“Forever?” asked James.

“Forever and always,” said Mom. She turned to the last page. James saw a picture of himself with Dad, Mom, and Rosie.

James looked up at the temple. He missed Rosie. But he was glad Heavenly Father made a way for his family to be together forever.

Story PDF

Illustrations by Hollie Hibbert
