Leading Like Jesus
April 2023

“Leading Like Jesus,” Friend, Apr. 2023, 15.

Written by You

Leading Like Jesus

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Illustration by Toby Newsome

I was asked to conduct the hymns in sacrament meeting, and I was very anxious. I had never conducted hymns before. I practiced a lot during the week.

I talked to my father about my worries. He asked me if I knew the purpose of conducting. I said that it’s to set the time and rhythm. Conducting is like following the leader.

After this conversation, I thought about how being a conductor is like the example of Jesus Christ. He is our leader and guides us in the right way and at the right time. He guides us in the darkness and is our Shepherd.

I said a prayer and felt that a conductor really is an example of Jesus Christ. Now I am more excited to conduct because I will represent Christ.
