The Owl and the Orca
May 2023

“The Owl and the Orca,” Friend, May 2023, 8–9.

The Owl and the Orca

How could Dieter’s paintings help others?

This story took place in Canada.

Boy painting an owl on paper

Dieter wanted to listen to general conference. He tried to sit still. He tried to listen to the talks. But having autism made it hard for him to focus. He wiggled on the couch. He played with his toys. He ran around.

Then he looked over at Dad. Dad was sitting quietly and listening to the speakers. Dieter wanted to be like him. So he got out his art supplies. Maybe coloring a picture would help him sit quietly.

While he colored, Dieter listened to Elder Jeffrey R. Holland speak. Elder Holland told a story about Jesus. Jesus asked a rich young man to give all his money to the poor.*

Dieter wanted to help people who didn’t have enough money too. And he had an idea.

“Mom, I want to paint an owl,” Dieter said. “Can you draw one for me?”

“Sure,” Mom said. She drew an owl.

Dieter dipped his paintbrush into some paint. He painted the owl’s wings first. He made some feathers brown and some feathers orange. As he painted, he listened to the other talks. Even when all the talks were over, Dieter kept working. He wanted the owl to be perfect.

At last Dieter was done. He showed the owl to Mom.

“It looks great!” Mom said. “Should we hang it up?”

Dieter shook his head no. “I want to sell it and give the money to help people who don’t have enough money. Like they talked about in conference.”

Mom smiled. “Let’s see what we can do.”

She posted a picture of Dieter’s painting to sell online. Mom wrote that said Dieter would give the money to a shelter for people without homes.

The next day, Dieter and Mom checked the post. Dieter couldn’t believe it! Lots of people wanted to buy his picture. He was glad so many people wanted to help.

A restaurant in Dieter’s city asked to buy the painting. They said they would pay 10 times more than Dieter and Mom had asked for! Other stores asked him for paintings too. Dieter had more work to do!

Mom traced more animals, and Dieter got out his paints. He painted a wolf, a lion, and an orca. He liked the orca the best. He named it “Otis the Orca.” A grocery store near his house bought it. The next time Dieter went to the store, he saw it hanging on the wall!

Boy pointing at painting of whale while his mother smiles

“Look, Mom!” Dieter pointed to the painting.

“Wow!” Mom said. “Now whenever we come here, we can remember how your talents helped people.”

Dieter was proud that people liked his paintings. But he was even happier that he could help others. He was glad he had listened during general conference.

Boy holding painting of owl
story PDF

Illustrations by Natalie Campbell

  • From “The Greatest Possession,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 8–10.
