Timeon’s Priesthood Blessing
October 2023

“Timeon’s Priesthood Blessing,” Friend, Oct. 2023, 12–13.

Timeon’s Priesthood Blessing

Timeon leaped out toward the beam.

This story took place in Kiribati.

Children swinging on support beams in tree hut

Timeon climbed up onto the log above him. Then he put his legs over it and hung upside down.

“This place is awesome!” Natieta said from below.

Timeon and his friends had found the empty tree hut earlier that week. It was a great place to play! The beams holding up the roof were perfect to swing from.

“I bet I can jump all the way across—just like a monkey,” Timeon said.

“I’ll meet you halfway!” Toani said.

Timeon used his arms to swing his body forward. Then he leaped out toward the beam by his friend. He reached his hands out, ready to grab on.

But his fingers slipped! Timeon fell to the ground.

“Ouch!” Timeon said. His friends ran to help him.

“Are you all right?” Natieta asked.

Timeon tried to get up, but he felt a sharp pain in his arm.

“I don’t know if I can move,” he said. He tried not to cry, but tears rolled down his cheeks.

“I’m sorry, Timeon,” Natieta said. “We’ll help take you home.”

Timeon’s friends helped him across the island. The sun had nearly set by the time they got back to his home.

“What happened?” Mom asked.

“We were playing in the empty hut,” Toani said. “Timeon slipped from a beam he was swinging on.”

Timeon couldn’t even straighten his arm. It hurt so much!

Mom thanked Timeon’s friends for bringing him safely home. She helped him lie down on the mat and put soft pillows all around him.

Timeon was still in pain. But there were no doctors close enough to visit in the dark. What if it kept hurting all night?

Timeon heard a voice call a greeting from outside the house. “Mauri!” It was the missionaries.

“It’s good to see you, elders,” Mom said. “Could you please give my son a priesthood blessing? He hurt his arm and is in a lot of pain.”

“Of course.” Elder Aitu smiled at Timeon. “Would you like a priesthood blessing, Timeon?”

Timeon knew that priesthood blessings invited power from God to help and heal people. He had faith that Heavenly Father would help him. He nodded. “Yes, please.”

Missionaries giving boy a blessing

The missionaries placed their hands on Timeon’s head. They said his full name and blessed him by the power of Jesus Christ to feel better.

Soon Timeon’s arm didn’t hurt so much. He felt calm and peaceful. He was even able to fall asleep.

When he woke up, it was already morning. His arm still hurt, but not nearly as much as before.

“How do you feel?” Mom asked.

“Much better,” he said. “I think priesthood power is real.”

“I’m glad the blessing helped you!” Mom gave Timeon a hug, careful not to bump his arm. “Now let’s go get some help for your arm to make sure it heals.”

Mom helped Timeon get on a bike. Then she got on behind him. She took them to their neighbor, who could help.

Timeon smiled while their neighbor treated his arm. Priesthood power was a real power from God. And he was so grateful!

story PDF

Illustrations by Melissa Kashiwagi
