Following Jesus in Peru
October 2023

“Following Jesus in Peru,” Friend, Oct. 2023, 16–17.

Following Jesus in Peru

Meet Rafael!

A boy named Rafael Jorge Puerta.

About Rafael

Age: 6

From: Lima Province, Peru

Language: Spanish

Goals and dreams: 1) Become an architect and firefighter. 2) Go on a mission. 3) Learn English.

Family: Rafael, Mom, Dad, baby sister, and grandparents

How Rafael Follows Jesus

Rafael helping an elderly lady.

Rafael loves his great-grandma Mimi. She often visits his family at their home. Rafael’s family lives on the second floor, and Mimi is blind. So when Mimi visits, Rafael always helps her walk up the stairs.

“I feel happy when I help Mimi because then she knows that I love her very much,” Rafael says.

When Rafael has nightmares, he prays for help from Heavenly Father. When his dad got sick with COVID, he prayed for him to get better.

Rafael passing out a hymnbook to a woman at church.

At church, Rafael likes to share hymnbooks with visitors so they can sing along. “Jesus Christ smiles when I do something good,” says Rafael.

Rafael’s Favorites

Spot illustrations down the right hand side of the image. 1. A sand castle with sand toys (Bucket and ball). 2. Apples. 3. A blue crayon. 4. A hand drawing with a pencil. 5. A pencil sharpener. 6. On the left hand side of the image is a stamped envelope.

Scripture story: Jesus healing the blind man

Place: The beach

Fruit: Apples

Color: Blue

Subject in school: Art

story PDF

Illustrations by Corey Egbert
