Hej fra Peru!
Oktober 2023

»Hej fra Peru!«, Vores Ven, okt. 2023, s. 18-19.

Hej fra Peru!

Lær om vor himmelske Faders børn over hele verden.

Spot 1: The Peruvian flag. Spot 2: A pink dolphin. Spot 3: Machu Picchu. Spot 4: An alpaca, a llama, and a sheep dressed in wool hats and rugs. Spot 5: Arequipa Peru Temple with small silhouettes of the temple. Spot 6: The sun shining. Spot 7:Nazca line drawings of a hummingbird and monkey. Spot 8: Papas a la huancaina (potatoes topped with huancaina sauce, olives, and a hard boiled egg)

Peru er et land i Sydamerika. Der bor over 33 millioner mennesker!

Machu Picchu

Spot 1: The Peruvian flag. Spot 2: A pink dolphin. Spot 3: Machu Picchu. Spot 4: An alpaca, a llama, and a sheep dressed in wool hats and rugs. Spot 5: Arequipa Peru Temple with small silhouettes of the temple. Spot 6: The sun shining. Spot 7:Nazca line drawings of a hummingbird and monkey. Spot 8: Papas a la huancaina (potatoes topped with huancaina sauce, olives, and a hard boiled egg)

Machu Picchu er en gammel by højt oppe i Andesbjergene. Inkafolket byggede den for mange hundrede år siden. De brugte rebbroer til at klatre over kløfter!

At være hyrde

Spot 1: The Peruvian flag. Spot 2: A pink dolphin. Spot 3: Machu Picchu. Spot 4: An alpaca, a llama, and a sheep dressed in wool hats and rugs. Spot 5: Arequipa Peru Temple with small silhouettes of the temple. Spot 6: The sun shining. Spot 7:Nazca line drawings of a hummingbird and monkey. Spot 8: Papas a la huancaina (potatoes topped with huancaina sauce, olives, and a hard boiled egg)

I Peru opdrætter folk får, lamaer og alpakaer i bjergene. De bruger dyrenes uld til at lave tøj, tæpper og gulvtæpper.

Lyserøde delfiner

Spot 1: The Peruvian flag. Spot 2: A pink dolphin. Spot 3: Machu Picchu. Spot 4: An alpaca, a llama, and a sheep dressed in wool hats and rugs. Spot 5: Arequipa Peru Temple with small silhouettes of the temple. Spot 6: The sun shining. Spot 7:Nazca line drawings of a hummingbird and monkey. Spot 8: Papas a la huancaina (potatoes topped with huancaina sauce, olives, and a hard boiled egg)

Der lever lyserøde delfiner i Amazonfloden! Floden begynder i Perus bjerge og flyder gennem Amazonas regnskoven.


Hello in different languages.

Peru har tre officielle sprog: Spansk, quechua og aymara. De fleste taler spansk. Der tales mange andre sprog i Amazonas regnskov!


Spot 1: The Peruvian flag. Spot 2: A pink dolphin. Spot 3: Machu Picchu. Spot 4: An alpaca, a llama, and a sheep dressed in wool hats and rugs. Spot 5: Arequipa Peru Temple with small silhouettes of the temple. Spot 6: The sun shining. Spot 7:Nazca line drawings of a hummingbird and monkey. Spot 8: Papas a la huancaina (potatoes topped with huancaina sauce, olives, and a hard boiled egg)

Der bor mere end 600.000 medlemmer af Kirken i Peru. Der er tre templer i Peru, og tre mere er på vej!

Historien som PDF-fil

Illustrationer: Kelly Smith
