Remembering Abuela
October 2023

“Remembering Abuela,” Friend, Oct. 2023, 20–21.

Remembering Abuela

Because of Jesus Christ, all of us will be resurrected.

This story took place in Mexico.

Family with ofrenda table

Today was the first day of celebrations for Día de Muertos, or Day of the Dead. It was a special time to remember loved ones who had died. Lyan always liked hearing the stories about her family. It made her feel like they were right there with her, even if she’d never met them.

But this year was different. Lyan’s grandma wouldn’t be there to celebrate with them. She had died just a few months ago. This time, Abuela was one of the family members they would remember together.

Lyan reached out and gently touched the photo of Abuela on the ofrenda. She and her sisters, Megan and Leilani, had worked hard all week to prepare it. They decorated the table with care. They put up the photos of their family members. And they placed objects to remember their loved ones on the ofrenda too.

Megan put a bottle of soda on the table.

“Abuela loved this kind of soda,” Megan said. “It should be part of our family ofrenda.”

Lyan remembered visiting their grandmother and drinking soda with her. Abuela would ask them questions and listen to their stories. It was the perfect thing to help them remember her. When Lyan saw the soda, it made her want to be a good listener like Abuela was.

Mamá came into the room with a plate of pan de muerto. Lyan’s sisters ran over to her, begging to try a slice. It was a kind of sweet bread that people all over Mexico ate for Día de Muertos.

“We will have some later,” Mamá said. “For now this plate will stay on the ofrenda next to Abuela’s picture.” She put it on the table. “This looks so beautiful! Now we only need to wait for Papá to come home from work.” She and the girls sat down on the sofa to wait.

“I miss Abuela,” Lyan said. “I wish we could see her again right now.”

Mamá pulled Lyan into a big hug. “I know. I miss her too. It helps me to know that because of Jesus Christ, all of us will be resurrected. And since we were sealed in the temple, we will all be together as a family someday.”

Mamá’s words made Lyan feel happy inside. She thought about getting to see Abuela again and giving her a big hug.

Girl thinking of the grandmother hugging her

The door opened, and Papá walked inside. Leilani cheered.

“Papá is home! It’s time for pan de muerto and hot chocolate!” Megan said.

“And to tell stories about Abuela!” Lyan said. She would always miss Abuela, but she was glad there were things she could do to remember her. She knew that because of Jesus Christ, she would see Abuela again someday.

story PDF

Illustrations by Liz Brizzi
